About This Blog

About four years ago, we came up with this crazy idea to leave our careers and take a year off to travel to experience the world.  Now all we had to do was wait for our cat, Berkeley, to die.  His brother, Mako, had just passed along and we figured Berkeley would soon follow suit.  Well, it’s three years later and our travel plans were put on hold as Berkeley had other plans, like living.

Our Beloved Berkeley

This past February, Berkeley finally decided that his goal to become the first immortal cat was not to be and joined his brother, Mako, in that nice cat farm. Although, we made the decision prior to his death to go on this trip and hire an army of servants to tend to his needs, it was good that we were there until the end.

This blog is a raw, uncensored, and irreverent account of this year long journey.

The blogs title “It’s Opener There” is borrowed from a phrase from the popular Dr. Seuss book Oh, the places you’ll go!!  Read it and get inspired.
